Aviagen Turkeys' Marcus Kenny Presents Keynote on Economical Efficiency in Turkey Nutrition
ESPN 2023 Rimini, Italy June 2023
The 23rd European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition - ESPN 2023 was held from June 21 - 24, 2023 at the Palacongressi di Rimini, Italy. The Organiser of the Symposium was the Italian Branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association.

The conference provides a unique opportunity to present scientific and technical achievements in poultry nutrition to get new information in science having direct impact from lectures and discussions with leading poultry scientists in very new areas of poultry nutrition and the poultry nutrition industry. The Conference is a great meeting point to exchange information in the field of poultry nutrition issues in Europe. Many attendees including both poultry research scientists and practitioners, leading speakers from across the world joining together to explore the past, share the present and helping to forge the future of poultry meat science.
Aviagen Turkeys Ltd (ATL) Company Nutritionist, Marcus Kenny was invited as a key note speaker and gave a presentation on ‘Economical efficiency in turkey nutrition’. This presentation gave an insight into the modern bird responding to different nutrient levels and explaining the different trials conducted to understand how liveweight, FCR, and breast meat yield respond to nutrient density. Marcus also touched on raw material costs and highlighted the importance of nutritionists reviewing feeding programmes, especially during periods of volatile raw material prices.
To view this presentation please click here